As you get ready for Registration consider the following training materials
How students can view their registration appointments from within the Academics dashboard, via the Global Search field and in the student profile
How students will use the Create Request task to request approval to register for more than the maximum allowed credits for a term. The Office of Academic Advising will begin reviewing Credit Overload requests on April 10th, 2025.
How to use the Evaluate Academic Requirements task (what-if scenario) to explore the requirements for a different or additional program of study
How undeclared students will declare a major (program of study)
How students declare an additional program of study
For additional training resources visit Workday Support for Current Students
For more information about registration visit the Course Registration Website
For additional help and support contact the University Registrar at or 336 758 5207
- Support materials published for Friends & Family Third Party Users: Accessing Your Account, Managing Student Financials
- Important information about Workday Supported Internet Browsers

Call 336.758.5600 for support, and you will be connected to the appropriate department to answer your questions.