Thank you for visiting the staff section of the Project WakeDay website. On this page you’ll find dates for upcoming events, as well as links to important on-demand training materials to support your activity in Workday Student. Plus, this FAQ offers answers to common faculty and staff questions.
Please note that your WFU login credentials may be required to watch videos.
Advising and Registration Readiness
- Watch the video presentation; your WFU credentials may be required.
- Download the FAQ for this session at this link.
Advisors who serve graduate students are invited to join Project WakeDay’s Change Management team for the following events. You can download the FAQ for this session at this link.
To add your preferred event to your calendar, as well as the Zoom link as applicable, click through to the RSVP form in the following list, then click on the link under the date, and then on the calendar screen select SAVE:
- 3:30 to 5 p.m. Feb. 27 on Zoom
- 3:30 to 5 p.m. Feb. 29 in ZSR Auditorium
- Third event to come later in the semester; will be based on grad unit timelines and needs.
For more information, contact
Athletic Advisors, ROTC Advisors and Contracted Academic Support Roles are invited to join Project WakeDay’s Change Management team for the following event. You can download the FAQ for this session at this link.
To add this event to your calendar, as well as the Zoom link, click through to the RSVP form in the following list, then click on the link under the date, and then on the calendar screen select SAVE:
For more information, contact
- Watch the video presentation; your WFU credentials may be required.
- Check out the student-focused handouts related to this session.
All faculty, staff, and students are invited to join Project WakeDay’s Change Management team for a demonstration of advising in Workday from a student’s perspective.
To add this event to your calendar, as well as the Zoom link, click through to the RSVP form in the following list, then click on the link under the date, and then on the calendar screen select SAVE:
For more information, contact
- Watch the undergraduate video presentation; your WFU credentials may be required.
- Watch the graduate video presentation; your WFU credentials may be required.
- Check out the student-focused handouts related to this session.
All faculty, staff and students are invited to join Project WakeDay’s Change Management team for a demonstration of the student registration experience in Workday.
To add your preferred event to your calendar, as well as the Zoom link, click through to the RSVP form in the following list, then click on the link under the date, and then on the calendar screen select SAVE:
- 3:30 to 5 p.m. on March 20 on Zoom (Undergraduate-focused)
- 3:30 to 5 p.m. on March 21 on Zoom (Graduate-focused)
For more information, contact
How to Use the Training Support App
Getting Started in Workday
- Logging In to Workday: How to log in to Workday Student via Google Mail and the web
- My Tasks (the new Workday Inbox): How to navigate and use the features in My Tasks (replaces the original Workday Inbox)
- My Tasks (the new Workday Inbox) [VIDEO]: How to navigate and use the features in My Tasks (replaces the original Workday Inbox)
- Workday Navigation and Search: Tips and tricks for navigating Workday, including landing page, icons, inbox and search
- Using the Training and Support App: This video demos tips for navigating the Training and Support app to locate Workday training material.
On-Demand Learning Materials
Academic Advising • Academic Foundation • Admissions • Curriculum Management • Financial Aid • Student Core • Student Financials • Student Records
Academic Advising
- Advisor Assignment and Support Network – Advisors [VIDEO]: How advisors can view the advisor assignments and support network for their advisees
- Advisor Dashboard Overview [VIDEO]: An overview of the tools and features in the Advisor Dashboard
- Advising Notes in Workday [VIDEO]: How advisors will enter advising notes and view notes history for their advisees
- Advisor Roles and Academic Record Assignments: How to use the Find Advisors report, assign advisors, and view advisor assignment history
- Advisor Roles and Cohort Assignments: How to use the Find Student Cohorts report and assign advisors to cohorts
- Advisor Assignment and Support Network: How advisors will view the support networks of their advisees
- Advisor Dashboard [REFERENCE GUIDE]: Overview of the resources and tools inside the Advisor Dashboard
- Emailing Your Advisees: Tips for retrieving email addresses and emailing your advisees
- Explore Program of Study – Advisors [VIDEO]: How advisors can use the Evaluate Academic Requirements task (what-if scenario) to explore the requirements for a different or additional program of study for advisees
- Exploring Program of Study (What-if Scenario) for Advisors: How advisors can use the Evaluate Academic Requirements for Student task to generate what-if scenarios to assist students with exploring the requirements for other programs of study
- Managing Academic Planning (Advisors and Registrars): How advisors and registrars can create and edit academic plans and create alternate plans for students
- Managing Special Populations (Student Cohorts) for Advisors: How advisors can find and view student cohorts and cohort history for students
- Managing Student Holds for Advisors: How advisors will view and remove advising holds on student records
- Sending Student Engagement Plans: How the Office of Academic Advising can create engagement plans for sending emails to student audiences
- Viewing Advisees: How advisors view a list of their advisees
- View Advisee Registration Appointments: How advisors can view their advisees’ registration appointments
Academic Foundation
- Create and Edit a Program of Study in Workday Student: How to create and edit a program of study, including the necessary protocols and processes surrounding the steps conducted in Workday
- Understanding Academic Calendars [REFERENCE GUIDE]: Understand how academic calendars work in Workday, the processes they impact and how this relates to overall structure
- Understanding Academic Terminology in Workday [REFERENCE GUIDE]: Reference guide explaining the different components of the academic foundation
- Understanding Academic Units [REFERENCE GUIDE]: Understand how academic units work in Workday, the processes they impact and how this relates to overall structure
- Viewing Transfer Credit: How registrars will find and view transfer credit information
- Managing Application Grouping in Workday Student: For Admissions staff, this job aid details the View Application Grouping report and how to manage application groupings
- Managing Student Tags for Admissions: For Admissions staff, this job aid details the Find Student Tags report and how to manage student tags and categories
- Viewing and Managing Student Applicant Types in Workday Student: For Admissions staff, this job aid details the View Student Applicant Types report and how to manage student applicant types
Curriculum Management
For questions about Curriculum Management, please contact
- Course Equivalencies: How to create course equivalency groups
- Creating a Course in Workday Student: How to create a course and add a cross-list course
- Creating and Editing Course Sections — Other Course Section Managers: This job aid is for academic admins who are responsible for creating and editing course sections.
- Creating and Editing Course Section – Registrars: This job aid is for registrars who are responsible for creating and editing course sections.
- Create Co-located Courses: For registrars and departmental admins, this document instructs how to create co-located courses.
- Cross-listing Courses: For Registrars, this document provides the requirements for cross-listing courses and instructions for how to cross-list existing courses and how to cross-list new courses.
- Edit Course: How to edit course definitions
- Manage Course Tags in Workday: How to add and remove course tags in Workday Student
- Managing Cross-listed and Co-located Courses [REFERENCE GUIDE]: How to manage cross-listed and co-located courses
- Relationship Between Course Bulletin and Course Definition [REFERENCE GUIDE]: How the Course Bulletin will interact with Workday and key components for how course definitions, requirements and bulletin stay in sync
- Understanding Courses and Course Sections [REFERENCE GUIDE]: Reference Guide about course and course section definitions; how to view courses and course sections and the relationship between both
- Viewing Course Section Information: How instructors and department coordinators can find and view course section information
- Viewing a Program of Study [REFERENCE GUIDE]: For administrative staff (registrars), this Reference Guide explores viewing a program of study.
Financial Aid
- Grading Configuration: For Registrars, this job aid details the Find Student Grading Schemes report, the Create Student Grading Scheme task and the Maintain Enrollment Access and Grading Policy task.
- Financial Aid Award Items: For Financial Aid Administrators, this job aid details how to create, copy and find award items.
- How to Set Up a Financial Aid Foundation: For Financial Aid Administrators, this job aid details how to maintain federal student aid program policies.
Student Core
- Viewing and Maintaining Military Status: How to view and maintain military statuses, view military statuses, view the list of military ranks and service types
Student Financials
For questions about Student Financials, please contact
- Cohorts for Student Financials: How to add students to and remove students from current and future cohorts, and which dates to use
- Student Financials Engagements for Business Officers [REFERENCE GUIDE]: Student experience for business officers – overview of student financials engagements
- Student Financials for Business Officers [REFERENCE GUIDE]: Student experience for business officers – viewing financials, financial aid and financials reports
- Student Financials Holds for Business Officers [REFERENCE GUIDE]: Student experience for business officers – overview of student financials holds
Student Records
For questions about Student Records, please contact
- Add Student Accomplishments Using Cohorts to Track Graduate Student Requirements: How to use cohorts to track accomplishments (graduate program milestones)
- Changing a Student’s Primary Program of Study Reporting Record: How registrars can change which academic record is marked as the primary reporting record for a student (ex: in a dual degree program)
- Creating Academic Requirement Overrides: How advisors will create academic requirement override requests for students
- How to Designate a Student as Deceased
- How to Register a Student — Registrars: How a registrar will register a student for a course when an alternative to self-registration is needed
- Institutional Withdrawal Processing: How registrars will process institutional withdrawals
- Managing Course Section Waitlist: This job aid details the automatic waitlist functionality in Workday and the different methods for viewing course section waitlist information
- Manage International Student Records: For the Center for Immigration Services and Support, this job aid details viewing and editing bio-demographic and immigration information for international students.
- Managing Overriding Academic Requirements: How registrars manage academic overrides for students
- Manage Program Completion: How registrar staff will update students’ completion statuses and apply honors and awards to their academic records
- Manage Student Athletic Information: For Registrar Staff (OUR), this document instructs how to view, add and update athletic information for students.
- Managing Student Cohort Membership (for Registrars): How registrars will create student cohorts and manage cohort membership
- Managing Student Documents: For Registrar Staff, this document instructs how to view, add and remove student documents
- Managing Student Holds for Advisors: How advisors will view and remove advising holds on student records
- Managing Student Holds for Administrative Staff: For adminstrative staff, this job aid details tasks and reports that will be used to manage student holds
- Managing Student Information (Registrars): How registrars view and manage student name, contact and personal information
- Managing Transfer Credit: How registrars will process transfer credits for students
- Manage Transfer Credit Evaluation Requests: How designated evaluators will review and respond to transfer credit evaluation requests
- Mass Registration: How designated administrative staff will register students for courses when an alternative to self-registration is needed
- Processing Canceled or Deferred Applications: How registrars will process canceled or deferred student applications
- Processing Suspensions and Dismissals: How the Office of Academic Advising and Registrars will initiate suspensions and dismissals for students
- Processing Transcripts — Registrars: How registrars can generate unofficial transcripts for students; how Office of University Registrar staff can request official and print official transcripts for students
- Program of Study and Advisor Change Process for Department Coordinators: How coordinators will manage the advisor change step in a student’s request to add or remove a program of study
- Program of Study and Advisor Change for Registrar Staff: How registrars will manage advisor changes as a result of program of study changes
- Reporting in Workday: How to access reports, use filtering and sorting tools, change layouts, and request new reports
- Student Cohorts — Add and Remove Students: How staff who manage student cohort membership will add students to and remove students from cohorts
- Student Leave of Absence Processing and Return: How administrative staff and advisors will manage leave of absence requests for students
- Student Notes: How to add Student Notes to student records
- Student Photos for Instructors and Advisors: How instructors and advisors can view and print student photos
- Understanding Course Registration for Advisors, Instructors and Departmental Coordinators [REFERENCE GUIDE]: This reference guide details aspects of registration that are helpful for advising, such as reserved seating, waitlisting and advising holds.
- Understanding Course Repeats [REFERENCE GUIDE]: This reference guide details how course attempt limits and course repeat policies are managed in Workday
- Understanding Student Record Status: How to view student record status and understand the details behind the status
- Understanding the Graduate/Professional Academic Progress Report [REFERENCE GUIDE]: Guidance for understanding the graduate and professional Academic Progress Report (APR)
- Understanding the Undergraduate Academic Progress Report [REFERENCE GUIDE]: Guidance for understanding the undergraduate Academic Progress Report (APR)
- Understanding Program of Study Change (Graduate) [REFERENCE GUIDE]: This reference guide provides details about the program of study change process for Graduate students
- Understanding Program of Study Change (Undergraduate) [REFERENCE GUIDE]: This reference guide provides details about the program of study change process for Undergraduate students
- Understanding Waitlists and Reserved Seating [REFERENCE GUIDE]: Details of how waitlisting and reserved seating work together
- Viewing Academic Progress — Advisors and Staff [VIDEO]: How advisors and designated staff my find and view degree progress for students
- Viewing Student Housing Assignments: How registrars will view student housing assignments
- Viewing Waitlist Status for Faculty and Advisors: How faculty instructors and advisors can see courses with a waitlisted status
- Workday Reporting for Department Coordinators [REFERENCE GUIDE]: A guide to self-service reporting for department coordinators
If you have questions about what’s presented here, as well as general inquiries about Workday Student, please contact the project team at