As you get ready for Registration consider the following training materials
How students can view their registration appointments from within the Academics dashboard, via the Global Search field and in the student profile
How students will use the Create Request task to request approval to register for more than the maximum allowed credits for a term. The Office of Academic Advising will begin reviewing Credit Overload requests on April 10th, 2025.
How to use the Evaluate Academic Requirements task (what-if scenario) to explore the requirements for a different or additional program of study
How undeclared students will declare a major (program of study)
How students declare an additional program of study
Thank you for visiting the student page of the Project WakeDay training section. This page offers a variety of links to get you started in Workday, as well as a comprehensive library of on-demand videos and job aids. You can also check out this FAQ of common student questions.
If you are a new student at WFU, you will have access to Workday approximately 48 hours after Wake Forest receives your deposit or you formally commit to attend WFU. Once you receive your Wake Forest email address, you will be able to sign in using that email. Watch for communications about your next steps.
Advising and Registration Sessions
- Watch the video presentation; your WFU credentials may be required.
- Check out the student-focused handouts related to this session.
For more information, contact
- Watch the undergraduate video presentation; your WFU credentials may be required.
- Watch the graduate video presentation; your WFU credentials may be required.
- Check out the student-focused handouts related to this session.
For more information, contact
- Watch the video presentation; your WFU credentials may be required.
- Check out the student-focused handouts related to this session.
For more information, contact
How to Navigate Workday Student
On-Demand Learning Materials
Getting Started • Helpful Videos • Academic Advising • Student Financials • Student Records and Registration
Links to Get You Started
- Logging In to Workday: How to log in to Workday Student via Google Mail and the web
- My Tasks (the new Workday Inbox): How to navigate and use the features in My Tasks (replaces the original Workday Inbox)
- My Tasks (the new Workday Inbox) [VIDEO]: How to navigate and use the features in My Tasks (replaces the original Workday Inbox)
- Onboarding for Continuing Graduate Students: How continuing graduate students will complete onboarding tasks in Workday
- Onboarding for Continuing Undergraduate Students: How continuing undergraduate students will complete onboarding tasks in Workday
- Onboarding for New Graduate School of Arts and Sciences Students: How new Graduate School of Arts and Sciences students will complete onboarding tasks
- Onboarding for New School of Business Graduate Students: How new School of Business Graduate students will complete onboarding tasks
- Onboarding for New School of Divinity Graduate Students: How new School of Divinity graduate students will complete onboarding tasks
- Onboarding for New School of Law Graduate Students: How new School of Law graduate students will complete onboarding tasks
- Onboarding for New School of Professional Studies Students: How new School of Professional Studies students will complete onboarding tasks
- Onboarding for New Undergraduate Students: How new undergraduate students will complete onboarding tasks
- Using the Training and Support App [VIDEO]: This video demos tips for navigating the Training and Support app to locate Workday training material.
- Creating an Academic Plan and Building a Schedule: How students will create academic plans and build their schedules for registration (includes full and half-term courses)
- Registration Troubleshooting for Students: How students can troubleshoot registration issues they may encounter
- Registration Troubleshooting for Students [VIDEO]: How students can troubleshoot registration issues they may encounter
- Request Course Section Prerequisite Override: How students will request a course section prerequisite override (obtain permission of an instructor)
- Request Course Section Prerequisite Override [VIDEO]: How students will request a course section prerequisite override (obtain permission of an instructor)
- Searching and Registering for Courses in Workday Student: How students can search and register for courses via the Academic Plan, Saved Schedule and Find Course Sections report
- View My Registration Appointments: How students can view their registration appointments from within the Academics dashboard, via the Global Search field and in the student profile
- Workday Navigation and Search: Tips and tricks for navigating Workday, including landing page, icons, inbox and search
Helpful Videos
- Building a Schedule from an Academic Plan: How student can create a Saved Schedule using their Academic Plan
- Exploring Programs of Study: How to use the Evaluate Academic Requirements task (what-if scenario) to explore the requirements for a different or additional program of study
- How to Drop or Withdraw from a Course: How students will drop or withdraw from a course
- How to Register for a Waitlisted Course: How students will register for waitlisted course sections
- Overview of the Academics Dashboard: A brief overview of the Academics Dashboard for students
- Registration in Workday Overview: An overview of the different methods for registering for courses in Workday Student
- Registration Troubleshooting for Students: How students can troubleshoot registration issues they may encounter
- Request Course Section Prerequisite Override: How students will request a course section prerequisite override (obtain permission of an instructor)
- Remove From Waitlist: How students will drop a course for which they are waitlisted
- Viewing Anticipated Aid: How students will view anticipated financial and sponsor aid
- View Charges and Make Payments: How students will view account charges and make payments
- Viewing and Printing Form 1098-T: How students will view and print their Form 1098-T
- View and Update Personal Information: How students will update their personal information — sex, date of birth, race/ethnicity, gender identity, pronouns, sexual orientation, marital status
- Viewing My Advisor Assignments (Support Network): How students will access their Support Network to see a list of their Academic Advisors
- Viewing My Academic Progress in Workday: How students will view their progress toward a program of study completion
- Viewing My Academic Record in Workday: How students will view their academic records
- View My Grades: How students will quickly access interim (midterm) and final grades via the Academics Dashboard
- Viewing My Holds in Workday: How students will view holds on their academic records
- View Your Student Worker Profile: How student workers can quickly switch from the default student profile to the worker profile
- Workday Student Navigation for Students: This video demonstrates the Workday Home experience, search functionality and accessing student-specific content.
Academic Advising
- View My Advisor Assignments (Support Network): How students will use the View My Support Network report to view their appointed advisors
Student Financials
- Make a Payment: How students will make payments on their student accounts
- Manage Bank Account for Refunds-Payment Elections: How students will manage bank account information and set up payment elections (direct deposit)
- Set Up Authorized Payer (Third-Party Access) for Student Account: How students can grant others access to their student accounts as authorized payers (third-party access)
- Make a Payment: How students will make payments on their student accounts
- Viewing Anticipated Aid: How students will view anticipated financial and sponsor aid
- Viewing Anticipated Aid [VIDEO]: How students will view anticipated financial and sponsor aid
- View and Print 1098-T: How students will view and print the 1098-T form
- Viewing and Printing Form 1098-T [VIDEO]: How students will view and print their Form 1098-T
- View Charges and Make Payments [VIDEO]: How students will view account charges and make payments
- View Student Account Activity: How students will view account activity and transaction history
- View Student Statement: How students will view and print the student billing statement
- Wellness Waiver Fee: How students will request a wellness fee waiver
Student Records and Registration
For questions about Student Records materials, please contact
- Applying for Graduation in Workday Student: How to apply for graduation
- Building a Schedule from an Academic Plan [VIDEO]: How student can create a Saved Schedule using their Academic Plan
- Changing Your Program Completion Date: How students can submit a request to change their Expected Program Completion Date
- Creating an Academic Plan and Building a Schedule: How students will create academic plans and build their schedules for registration
- Credit Overload Request: How students will use the Create Request task to request approval to register for more than the maximum allowed credits for a term
- Exploring Programs of Study [VIDEO]: How to use the Evaluate Academic Requirements task (what-if scenario) to explore the requirements for a different or additional program of study
- Incoming Student — Build Your Schedule: How first-year and other incoming students will build their schedules in preparation for registration
- Grading Basis Change: How students can submit a request to change their Grading Basis for a course section
- Graduate Students Searching and Registering for Courses: How graduate students will use the Find Course Sections report to search and register for courses
- How to Apply for Graduation [VIDEO]: How students will apply for program completion (graduation)
- How to Declare a Program of Study (Major) [VIDEO]: How undeclared students will declare a major (program of study)
- How to Declare an Additional Program of Study [VIDEO]: How students declare an addtional program of study
- How to Drop, Swap or Withdraw from a Course: How students will drop, swap, or withdraw from a course
- How to Drop or Withdraw from a Course [VIDEO]: How students will drop or withdraw from a course
- How to Register for Waitlisted Courses: How students will register for waitlisted course sections
- How to Register for a Waitlisted Course [VIDEO]: How students will register for waitlisted course sections
- Managing Program of Study for Students: How students will add, change or remove their program of study
- Onboarding for Continuing Graduate Students: How continuing graduate students will complete onboarding tasks in Workday
- Onboarding for Continuing Undergraduate Students: How continuing undergraduate students will complete onboarding tasks in Workday
- Onboarding for New Graduate School of Arts and Sciences Students: How new Graduate School of Arts and Sciences students will complete onboarding tasks
- Onboarding for New School of Business Graduate Students: How new School of Business Graduate students will complete onboarding tasks
- Onboarding for New School of Divinity Graduate Students: How new School of Divinity graduate students will complete onboarding tasks
- Onboarding for New School of Law Graduate Students: How new School of Law graduate students will complete onboarding tasks
- Onboarding for New School of Professional Studies Students: How new School of Professional Studies students will complete onboarding tasks
- Onboarding for New Undergraduate Students: How new undergraduate students will complete onboarding tasks
- Overview of the Academics Dashboard [VIDEO]: A brief overview of the Academics Dashboard for students
- Part-time / Full-time Status Change Request: How students can submit a request to change their attendance status
- Registration in Workday Overview: An overview of the different methods for registering for courses in Workday Student
- Registration Troubleshooting for Students [VIDEO]: How students can troubleshoot registration issues they may encounter
- Request Course Section Prerequisite Override: How students will request course section prerequisite overrides
- Request Course Section Prerequisite Override [VIDEO]: How students will request a course section prerequisite override (obtain permission of an instructor)
- Requesting a Leave of Absence: How students will request a leave of absence
- Request Transfer Credit Evaluation: How undergraduate students will submit requests to have courses evaluated for transfer credit
- Reviewing the Find Course Sections Report: How students can use the Find Course Sections report to search for and view course sections
- Searching and Registering for Courses in Workday Student: How students can search and register for courses via the Academic Plan, Saved Schedule and Find Course Sections report
- Student Enrollment Verification Request: How students will use the Create Request task to submit a request for an enrollment verification letter
- Understanding Program of Study Change (Graduate) [REFERENCE GUIDE]: This reference guide provides details about the program of study change process for Graduate students
- Understanding Program of Study Change (Undergraduate) [REFERENCE GUIDE]: This reference guide provides details about the program of study change process for Undergraduate students
- Updating Your Social Security Number or Your ITIN: How students will update their Social Security Number or International Taxpayer Identification Number in their student profiles
- View and Edit Name Information: How to view and edit name information (legal and preferred names)
- View and Update Contact Information: This job aid demonstrates how students will view and update contact information.
- View and Update Friends and Family Information: This job aid demonstrates how students will view and update friends and family information, including setting up third-party users for student accounts.
- View and Update Personal Information: How to update their personal information — sex, date of birth, race/ethnicity, gender identity, pronouns, sexual orientation, marital status
- View and Update Personal Information [VIDEO]: How students will update their personal information — sex, date of birth, race/ethnicity, gender identity, pronouns, sexual orientation, marital status
- Viewing My Academic Progress in Workday [VIDEO]: How students will view their progress toward a program of study completion
- View My Academic Record in Workday Student: This job aid demonstrates how students view their academic records.
- Viewing My Academic Record in Workday [VIDEO]: How students will view their academic records
- Viewing My Advisor Assignments (Support Network) [VIDEO]: How students will access their Support Network to see a list of their Academic Advisors
- Viewing My Course Schedule – Students: How students will view their course schedules, including dropped/withdrawn courses
- View My Grades: How students will quickly access interim (midterm) and final grades via the Academics Dashboard
- View My Grades [VIDEO]: How students will quickly access interim (midterm) and final grades via the Academics Dashboard
- Viewing My Holds in Workday: How to view holds on my academic record
- Viewing My Holds in Workday [VIDEO]: How students will view holds on their academic records
- Viewing My Notes in Workday Student: How students will view notes on their academic records
- View My Registration Appointments: How students can view their registration appointments from within the Academics dashboard, via the Global Search field and in the student profile
- View Your Student Worker Profile [VIDEO]: How student workers can quickly switch from the default student profile to the worker profile
- View My Transfer Credits: How students will view transfer credits on the student records
If you have questions about what’s presented here, as well as general inquiries about Workday Student, please contact the project team at